
Welcome templar!

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Welcome templar!


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Welcome in the world of Role Play, do you want to be a templar? Then register!

    Clan beschreibung


    Posts : 12
    Join date : 2010-12-15
    Age : 26
    Location : Czech Republic

    Character sheet
    HToC_Forum_Test_RPG_GameClan beschreibung Empty
    Clan beschreibung EmptyGambler


    Clan beschreibung Empty Clan beschreibung

    Post  Admin Thu 26 May 2011 - 19:45

    Holy Templars of Calradia is a Mount&Blade Warband and Mount&Blade: With fire and sword clan. Our clan is still looking for knights of the lands Czech Republic and Germany. We´re making a mod and we hope then it´s coming soon. We have a forum and very detailed ranks.
    Our deathmatch server is HToC_Europe, we´re mading new servers (Battleserver and Siege).

    How to join?
    First you muss join our steam group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HToC - link then regist on our forum (Not important but many informations you can get only on the forum.) when you have registred and joined our steam group then you should write our clan tag and your rank before your name. >>> You have joined our clan.


    You should go sometimes on our clan forum and on our steam group (It is best to go once per week on the forum
    and on the steam group.), sure you wan´t to keep peace with the other clan members also respect everyone and don´t quarrel but report it to an admin or directly to me (HToC_LDR_SirWilliam_CZ) and he speak with the other clan member and the same goes for other problems with admins or this way. One more rule for keep peace with the admins is then you come to minimal 2/4 clan trainings or then you come to clan wars, when you can´t come then tell it to me or an admin and the last rule when you are longer then 7 days not on you muss report it to an admin or you can get banned! (On holidays you don´t need to report it.).

    Mod full name: Warband Roleplay and War mod
    Mod tag: WRaW Mod
    Mod type: Roleplay and war
    Mod new features: Faction renamed, new items, new maps, new single-player map, custom battle new maps and renamed heroes, troops and weapons renamed and wooden objects are destructible.
    Deathmatch type: Work hard to get money, buy weapons, steal, Kill as an assassin, capture the enemies castle and destroy all what stay in your way!
    Game type siege: You start with 0 gold and you get everyweapons for free! Only put the weapon and go fight!

    Forum: http://www.htoc.forumczech.com

    Your HToC-Team

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024 - 20:11